Sunday, May 20, 2012

I got busy (this was expected).

My fall semester was probably the hardest semester  I've had. I tried to keep up with the blog but became discourage (this was also expected).

Five months and a few more weeks later, I am where I'm suppose to be. And I'm in a better place to keep updating this photo blog and my photojournalist journey and share as much experience with you as possible because this industry is difficult. But at the same time, extremely easy in comparison to a generation ago. Technology has really made communication a convenience and it gnawed in my insides to keep this blog up. But I had to focus on certain things before I become a credible blogger (inspiring journalist) such as college, internships, staying healthy, and keeping up expenses with two jobs...

You really learn that there isn't enough time in a day, energy in a person, and money for all the activities to do everything. For the people that have it all and can balance it all, feel free to share your secrets... because this 25 year old female with all the ambition, persistency, intelligence, creativity, and thirst for more is just relearning to balance everything again... And this balance meant re-prioritizing my interests in my life and really choosing which really matter and who really matters.

 I think that's what I meant when I said "I am where I'm suppose to be." Because that's what your twenties is all about is trying new things, exposing yourself in a new environment, and really seeing your potential above the stress. And choosing which stressors will harm or benefit you, and be able to walk away with a mature growth.

I guess that's my excuse of why I haven't kept up with this blog is because I really had to prioritize my days and this was unfortunately on the bottom of the list. But I'm back!

Back with better equipment, more experience (paid and work trade), a college degree in my belt, moving up to the West Side of Los Angeles, a small freelance photo job, better health, strong friendship base filled with multi-skilled and talented people, and a happy, stable, healthy relationship with an amazing man that is within my industry.

In my mid twenties, I'm wiser with detecting the bad qualities in people. I'm more honest with myself to be able to walk away from those types of personalities. I'm stronger to handle the heavy photo equipment. I'm more appreciative of those that are good, genuinely good. All of these are in comparison to my late teen's early twenties mind set of course. I'm not as careless as I use to be and I really have become more resilient.